terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

Human body Pronunciation, Corpo Human Pronúncia


1. Head. Repeat: head, now word by word: H.E.A.D, head. This is my head. This is your head and those are their heads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads are plural form.

2. Face. Repeat: face, now word by word: F.A.C.E, face. This is my face. This is your face and those are their faces.

3. Neck. Repeat: neck, now word by word: N.E.C.K, head. This is my head. This is your head and those are their heads.

4- Shoulder. Repeat: shoulder, now word by word: S.H.O.U.L.E.R, shoulder. This is my shoulder. This is your shoulder and those are their shoulders.

5. Chest. Repeat: chest, now word by word: C.H.E.S.T, chest. This is my chest. This is your chest and those are their chests.

6- Arm. Repeat: arm, now word by word: A.R.M, arm. This is my arm. This is your arm and those are their arms.

7- Elbow. Repeat: elbow, now word by word: E.L.B.O.W, elbow. This is my elbow. This is your elbow and those are their elbows. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: elbow is singular and elbows are plural form.

8. Hand. Repeat: hand, now hand by hand: H.A.N.D, hand. This is my hand. This is your hand and those are their hands. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: hand is singular and hands are plural form.

9- wrist. Repeat: wrist, now wrist by word: W.R.I.S.T, wrist. This is my wrist. This is your wrist and those are their wrists. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: wrist is singular and wrists are plural form.

10- finger. Repeat: finger, now word by word: F.I.N.G.E.R, finger. This is my finger. This is your finger and those are their fingers. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: finger are singular and fingers are plural form.

11- thumb . thumb: thumb, now word by word: H.E.A.D, thumb. This is my thumb. This is your thumb and those are their thumbs. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads are plural form.

12- waist . Repeat: waist, now word by word: H.E.A.D, waist. This is my waist. This is your waist and those are their waits. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: waist is singular and waists are plural form.

a- waistband . Repeat: waistband, now word by word: H.E.A.D, waistband. This is my waistland. This is your waistland and those are their waistbands. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads is plural form.

b- Waistcoat. Repeat: waistcoat, now word by word: W.A.I.S.T.C.O.A.T, waistcoat. This is my waistcoat. This is your waistcoat and those are their waistcoats. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: waistcoat is singular and waistcoats are plural form.

c- waistline . Repeat: waistline, now word by word: H.E.A.D, waistline. This is my waistline. This is your waistline and those are their waistines. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: waistine is singular and waistlines are plural form.

13. Stomach. Repeat: stomach, now word by word: H.E.A.D, stomach. This is my stomach. This is your stomach and those are their stomachs. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and stomachs are plural form.
14. hip - quadril,

15. Leg. Repeat: head, now word by word: L.E.G, leg. This is my leg. This is your leg and those are their heads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads is plural form.
16- Knee. Repeat: knee, now word by word: K.N.E.E, knee. This is my knee. This is your knee and those are their knees. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: knee is singular and knees are plural form.

17- Ankle. Repeat: ankle, now word by word: A.N.K.L.E, ankle. This is my ankle. This is your ankle and those are their ankles. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: ankle is singular and ankles are plural form.

18- Foot. Repeat: foot, now word by word: F.O.OT. Foot. This is my foot. This is your foot and those are their feet. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: foot is singular and feet are plural form. You can see that foot singular form and feet plural form. It happens because foot has irregular plural form: feet, now repeat feet. F.E.E.T, feet.

19- Toe. Repeat: toe, now word by word: H.E.A.D, toe. This is my toe. This is your toe and those are their toes. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: toe is singular and toes are plural form.
20. Hair. Repeat: hair, now word by word: H.A.I.R, hair. This is my head. This is your head and those are their heads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads are plural form.

21. Forehead. Repeat: forehead, now word by word: F.O.R.E.H.E.A.D, forehead. This is my forehead. This is your forehead and those are their foreheads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: forehead is singular and foreheads are plural form.

22. Eye. Repeat: eye, now word by word: E.Y.E, eye. This is my eye. This is your eye and those are their eyes. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: eye is singular and eyes are plural form.

23. Nose. Repeat: nose, now word by word: N.O.S.E, nose. This is my nose. This is your nose and those are their noses. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: nose is singular and noses are plural form.

24. Cheek. Repeat: cheek, now word by word: , cheek. This is my cheek. This is your cheek and those are their cheeks. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: cheek is singular and cheeks is plural form.

25. Mouth. Repeat: mouth, now word by word: M.O.U.T.H, head. This is my mouth. This is your mouth and those are their mouths. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: mouth is singular and mouths is plural form.

26. Ear. Repeat: ear, now word by word: E.A.R, ear. This is my ear. This is your ear and those are their ears. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: ear is singular and ears is plural form.

27. Chin. Repeat: chin, now word by word: C.H.I.N, chin. This is my chin. This is your chin and those are their chins. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: chin is singular and chins is plural form.

28. Gum. Repeat: gum, now word by word: G.U.M, gum. This is my gum. This is your gum and those are their gums. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: gum is singular and gums is plural form.

29 kidney. Repeat: kidney, now word by word: K.I.D.N.E.Y, head. This is my kidney. This is your kidney.

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