terça-feira, 27 de julho de 2010

Human body Pronunciation, Corpo Human Pronúncia


1. Head. Repeat: head, now word by word: H.E.A.D, head. This is my head. This is your head and those are their heads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads are plural form.

2. Face. Repeat: face, now word by word: F.A.C.E, face. This is my face. This is your face and those are their faces.

3. Neck. Repeat: neck, now word by word: N.E.C.K, head. This is my head. This is your head and those are their heads.

4- Shoulder. Repeat: shoulder, now word by word: S.H.O.U.L.E.R, shoulder. This is my shoulder. This is your shoulder and those are their shoulders.

5. Chest. Repeat: chest, now word by word: C.H.E.S.T, chest. This is my chest. This is your chest and those are their chests.

6- Arm. Repeat: arm, now word by word: A.R.M, arm. This is my arm. This is your arm and those are their arms.

7- Elbow. Repeat: elbow, now word by word: E.L.B.O.W, elbow. This is my elbow. This is your elbow and those are their elbows. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: elbow is singular and elbows are plural form.

8. Hand. Repeat: hand, now hand by hand: H.A.N.D, hand. This is my hand. This is your hand and those are their hands. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: hand is singular and hands are plural form.

9- wrist. Repeat: wrist, now wrist by word: W.R.I.S.T, wrist. This is my wrist. This is your wrist and those are their wrists. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: wrist is singular and wrists are plural form.

10- finger. Repeat: finger, now word by word: F.I.N.G.E.R, finger. This is my finger. This is your finger and those are their fingers. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: finger are singular and fingers are plural form.

11- thumb . thumb: thumb, now word by word: H.E.A.D, thumb. This is my thumb. This is your thumb and those are their thumbs. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads are plural form.

12- waist . Repeat: waist, now word by word: H.E.A.D, waist. This is my waist. This is your waist and those are their waits. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: waist is singular and waists are plural form.

a- waistband . Repeat: waistband, now word by word: H.E.A.D, waistband. This is my waistland. This is your waistland and those are their waistbands. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads is plural form.

b- Waistcoat. Repeat: waistcoat, now word by word: W.A.I.S.T.C.O.A.T, waistcoat. This is my waistcoat. This is your waistcoat and those are their waistcoats. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: waistcoat is singular and waistcoats are plural form.

c- waistline . Repeat: waistline, now word by word: H.E.A.D, waistline. This is my waistline. This is your waistline and those are their waistines. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: waistine is singular and waistlines are plural form.

13. Stomach. Repeat: stomach, now word by word: H.E.A.D, stomach. This is my stomach. This is your stomach and those are their stomachs. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and stomachs are plural form.
14. hip - quadril,

15. Leg. Repeat: head, now word by word: L.E.G, leg. This is my leg. This is your leg and those are their heads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads is plural form.
16- Knee. Repeat: knee, now word by word: K.N.E.E, knee. This is my knee. This is your knee and those are their knees. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: knee is singular and knees are plural form.

17- Ankle. Repeat: ankle, now word by word: A.N.K.L.E, ankle. This is my ankle. This is your ankle and those are their ankles. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: ankle is singular and ankles are plural form.

18- Foot. Repeat: foot, now word by word: F.O.OT. Foot. This is my foot. This is your foot and those are their feet. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: foot is singular and feet are plural form. You can see that foot singular form and feet plural form. It happens because foot has irregular plural form: feet, now repeat feet. F.E.E.T, feet.

19- Toe. Repeat: toe, now word by word: H.E.A.D, toe. This is my toe. This is your toe and those are their toes. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: toe is singular and toes are plural form.
20. Hair. Repeat: hair, now word by word: H.A.I.R, hair. This is my head. This is your head and those are their heads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: head is singular and heads are plural form.

21. Forehead. Repeat: forehead, now word by word: F.O.R.E.H.E.A.D, forehead. This is my forehead. This is your forehead and those are their foreheads. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: forehead is singular and foreheads are plural form.

22. Eye. Repeat: eye, now word by word: E.Y.E, eye. This is my eye. This is your eye and those are their eyes. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: eye is singular and eyes are plural form.

23. Nose. Repeat: nose, now word by word: N.O.S.E, nose. This is my nose. This is your nose and those are their noses. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: nose is singular and noses are plural form.

24. Cheek. Repeat: cheek, now word by word: , cheek. This is my cheek. This is your cheek and those are their cheeks. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: cheek is singular and cheeks is plural form.

25. Mouth. Repeat: mouth, now word by word: M.O.U.T.H, head. This is my mouth. This is your mouth and those are their mouths. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: mouth is singular and mouths is plural form.

26. Ear. Repeat: ear, now word by word: E.A.R, ear. This is my ear. This is your ear and those are their ears. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: ear is singular and ears is plural form.

27. Chin. Repeat: chin, now word by word: C.H.I.N, chin. This is my chin. This is your chin and those are their chins. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: chin is singular and chins is plural form.

28. Gum. Repeat: gum, now word by word: G.U.M, gum. This is my gum. This is your gum and those are their gums. Now, pay attention what teacher Walmir says: gum is singular and gums is plural form.

29 kidney. Repeat: kidney, now word by word: K.I.D.N.E.Y, head. This is my kidney. This is your kidney.

sábado, 24 de julho de 2010

Pronunciation Vegetables and Greens


1. My name is Walmir. This is spinach. It is spinach.

2. My name is Walmir. This is Spring, onion, It is spring, onion.

3. My name is Walmir. This is watercress, It is is watercress.

4. My name is Walmir. This is zucchini, in USA or This is courgette in UK. Repeat It is zucchini, in USA or it is courgette in UK.

5. My name is Walmir. This is a asparagus. Asparagus, It is asparagus. Asparagus.

6. My name is Walmir. This is celery. It is Celery, This is celery.

7. My name is Walmir. This is eggplant. It is eggplant. Eggplant.


8. My name is Walmir. This is greengrocer. It is greengrocer. Greengrocer.

9. My name is Walmir. This is tomato. It is tomato. Tomato.

10. My name is Walmir. This is lettuce. It is lettuce. Lettuce

11. My name is Walmir. This is carrot. It is carrot. carrot.

12. My name is Walmir. This is potato. It is potato. Potato.

13. My name is Walmir. This is onion. It is onion. Onion.

14. My name is Walmir. This is pepper. It is pepper. Pepper.

15. My name is Walmir. This is cucumber. It is cucumber. Cucumber.

16. My name is Walmir. This is coriander. It is coriander. This is coriander.

17. My name is Walmir. This is beans. It is beans. This is beans


1. My name is Walmir. This is spinach. It is spinach.

2. My name is Walmir. This is Spring, onion, It is spring, onion.

3. My name is Walmir. This is watercress, It is is watercress.

4. My name is Walmir. This is zucchini, in USA or This is courgette in UK. Repeat It is zucchini, in USA or it is courgette in UK.

5. My name is Walmir. This is a asparagus. Asparagus, It is asparagus. Asparagus.

6. My name is Walmir. This is celery. It is Celery, This is celery.

7. My name is Walmir. This is eggplant. It is eggplant. Eggplant.


8. My name is Walmir. This is greengrocer. It is greengrocer. Greengrocer.

9. My name is Walmir. This is tomato. It is tomato. Tomato.

10. My name is Walmir. This is lettuce. It is lettuce. Lettuce

11. My name is Walmir. This is carrot. It is carrot. carrot.

12. My name is Walmir. This is potato. It is potato. Potato.

13. My name is Walmir. This is onion. It is onion. Onion.

14. My name is Walmir. This is pepper. It is pepper. Pepper.

15. My name is Walmir. This is cucumber. It is cucumber. Cucumber.

16. My name is Walmir. This is coriander. It is coriander. This is coriander.

17. My name is Walmir. This is beans. It is beans. This is beans

sábado, 10 de julho de 2010

Dialogue and text



1- What is your name?

2- My name is Walmir.

3- Where do you live?

4- I live in Pituba

5- Where do you study?

6- I study at FCM High School

7- How old are you?

8- I am 17 years old.

9- What is your favorite music?

10- My favorite music is “I am yours”.

11- How many brothers and sisters do you have?

12- I have one brother and two sisters.

Text A.

My name is Walmir, I am 17 years old, I live in Piturba, but I study at FCM High School in Cabula. My favorite music is “I am yours”. I have one brother and two sisters. My sisters are Carla and Patricia and my brother is Oscar. Oscar is 27 years old, Carla is 20 and Patricia is 7. My father is a mechanic and my mother is a housewife.

Now listen and repeat the dialogue.

1- What is your name?

2- My name is Walmir.

3- Where do you live?

4- I live in Pituba.

5- Where do you study?

6- I study at FCM High School

7- How old are you?

8- I am 17 years old.

9- What is your favorite music?

10- My favorite music is “I am yours”.

11- How many brothers and sisters do you have?

12- I have one brother and two sisters.

Text A.

My name is Walmir, I am 17 years old, I live in Piturba, but I study at FCM High School in Cabula. My favorite music is “I am yours”. I have one brother and two sisters. My sisters are Carla and Patricia and my brother is Oscar. Oscar is 27 years old, Carla is 20 and Patricia is 7. My father is a mechanic and my mother is a housewife.